
LLM Fine Tuning: Generating Amharic Creatives 2024

Fine-tuning a Large Language Model (LLM) on Amharic text data to ensure high-quality text embedding and generation and incorporating a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) pipeline

Fine-Tuning LLM QloRA Data Labling Specific Learning RAG

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Precision RAG: Enterprise Grade 2024

By automating prompt generation, testing, and ranking, LLMs are made more accessible, efficient, and effective across various industries.

RAG Prompt Engineering ChatGPT RAGAS

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Semantic Image and Text Alignment: Storyboard Synthesis 2024

Automates storyboard generation for mobile ad campaigns from text descriptions.

Machine Learning NLP Computer Vision

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Redash Chatbot Add-on 2024

Integrates a chat add-on for Redash that uses natural language processing to unlock business intelligence.

Chatbot Redash Postgres OpenAI NLP

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