
Semantic Image and Text Alignment: Storyboard Synthesis

17 Feb 2024

Introduction In this transformative era of advertising and recognizing the potential for technology to streamline and enhance the ad creation process, Adludio is embarking on an ambitious initiative to automate the end-to-end process of advertising production. Adludio is a well...


LLM Fine-Tuning : Generate Amharic Creatives

04 Feb 2024

Introduction Fine-Tuning Mistral 7B to Enable Quality Embedding and Text Generation for Amharic Language Given Telegram’s growing prominence as a messaging platform, AiQEM (an African startup focused on AI and Blockchain business solutions) needs to adjust its advertising strategy to...

Fine-Tuning Mistral 7B Amharic Ads

Precision RAG: Enterprise Grade

08 Jan 2024

Prompt Tuning For Building Enterprise Grade RAG Systems Introduction RAG stands for Retrieval-Augmented Generation, which is a powerful and flexible method for retrieving and generating natural language with large language models. It consists of Retrieval-based approaches that use a large...

RAG Prompt Engineering RAGAS Evaluation